Why I did not include a picture: I lost my smart phone.
Best part of summer vacation:  You can learn something new, if you try.
The most dangerous thing I have done: Drive my car faster than a dollar with both of my parents in it...they did not knowing how fast I was going, were encouraging to speed up to catch up to the car we were following.
One of my big fears:  being without friends.
My Most Eco Friendly Habit:  Composting.
Biggest Pet Peeve:  People pronouncing my name incorrectly
The only place I enjoy shopping:  uh no where anymore... 
Dumbest thing I’ve done lately:  not update my resume.
One thing I can not live without:  Water
One thing I still hate:  4 am wake up call
What I still fantasize about:  my own home
Most unhealthy thing I have done:  Not lost anymore weight
Most healthy thing I have done:  Planned a raw foods diet

Smartest thing I have done all year:  Kept my Job.

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