
DeLorean’s have not been made since the mid 1980s but there was one on the road with me the other day.
Dan-Disaster-Friday-the day I could have gotten on the DP show because he was absent and they needed callers but didn’t because my hands free earpiece was not working.
I hate shopping.

When will I meet Dan Patrick and the Dan-ettes? Seriously.
I made a telemarketer hang-up!
The film Julie/Julia inspired me to start this blog.
I saw a man, dressed business casual, talk on a pay phone then get in a new SUV and drive away.  Where was his cell phone?
How do you know when you are old?
Staying in between the lines has always been difficult for me.
Facebook and Syria are in a cyber war.
I only text my best friend.
8 the number of pounds I have lost so far.
Isaiah 27:1 talks about a huge sea monster that makes me think of the Loch Ness but it has different name.
52- the number of pounds I have to go.

Thought fifteen: You don’t know your name until someone tells you.

Glossary (in no set order)

Did you know you could pick a portable karaoke machine if the party gets dull at your local Sav-on for just $50 bucks. (All images are taken with my cell phone as I go through my day.)

Bible.com=my online reference for study and sermons Psalms 139:14 bragging rights!!

Chris in Syracuse=my calling nemesis

Dan-o-meter=The number of times, per day I call the Dan Patrick show, got through and did or did not get on the air during my morning commute with my California hands free device installed.

The Jedi= my highly efficient assistant with whom I work, she makes me look good.

Smart for Life=the current diet that I have committed to, to deal with my health challenge.

525,600= the current length of this project.

Eagles=my current super bowl favorite. Subject to change without notification.

Jack in the Box= a sentence with a prepositional phrase. Oh, and a fast food restaurant that gave me an ulcer.

MerryWebby=one of my favorite books to read as a child

Willaby=my all time favorite book to read

Bug=my sister ;P

QLAB=quick like a bunny

The Snap=the time when I am not allowed to talk during my announcing at the football game.

Thought 15=me, I’m a closet writer, this is my prewrite


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.
Dan-o-meter: 1 of 3, no air.
I ‘resigned’ from the singles dating site, tired of waiting for others to pay up.
Have you ever dreamt in the third person?
I am not paid for the time I solve problems for work while I am off the clock. They are getting a bargain.
Psalms 116:1,2 permission to just cry, if you need to http://www.bible.com/.
Unplug your cell phone for week. See what you get done.
I had two hours to workout today, and I just didn’t.
I had some smart cookies. Day one went well. More to come. www.smartforlife.com
Hmmm, okcupid.com looks intriguing.
1 the number of times today I thought about getting into a relationship.
4 the number of times today I thought about child birth.
2 the number of times I thought and prayed for children in abusive homes.
The Jedi was absent, my senses were dulled as a result.

Thought 15: My ‘to-do-list’ is on my ‘to-do-list’

15 on 15

The view from the best $25 seats in Staples Center.
50 the number of miles I drove before 7 am.
Dan-o-meter: 0
Q: What would you do if someone of the opposite sex, whom you did not know, walked up to you in public and touched you inappropriately?
A: Speak up and physically and verbally defend yourself. Someone needs to say to men and women that it is ok to say what you do and do not want to happen to our body...in public.
2 the number of times I thought about my hair while speaking with someone to whom I’m mildly attracted.
Some states don’t recycle, when you travel consider mailing recyclables home, or to http://www.terracycle.net/ .
Frustrated, is how I imagine some people feels when I pass them on the freeway.
1 the number of times I ate food that I liked today.
Food is specifically created to attract my sense of taste, Do chefs get more dates?
When I admit to myself how much help I need, I feel better.
If I have a bad day, I pray. If I have a good day I pray.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 option to tap into your God DSL…with a blessing.
Awkward: Standing behind someone in line while they adjust their underwear with no consideration of your point of view. (Yes, this really happened to me.)
If I were 5 inches taller I could compete with Lisa Leslie, instead I just look up to her.
Thought 15: Have you ever noticed that adhesive
(also known as Band-Aids), even clear ones, only come in
one color?

day 1

Cool carbon dioxide bubble.

525,600 minutes is how long I am committed to this project।

60 the number of pounds I need to loose.

0 the number of times I thought about buying a passport today.

 0 the number of times I thought about cooking food.

12 is also the number of years I have correctly predicted the outcome of the Super Bowl game.

Pink & Purple the color of my current notebook for writing random thoughts and great ideas

50 the number of times the average human eye adjusts for per second so that host human can see.

Equal to 200 miracles in 2 seconds

Amount of miracles I have experienced in the past 5 minutes, infinite. I’m still here.

Psalms 139:14 biblical validation to be proud of myself http://www.bible.com/

0 the number of minutes I have spent working out today

Eagles 1. Bird of prey, 2. rough starting football team in the 09-10 football season.

2 the number of times today I thought and prayed for women, whom I have not met, who need to get out of an abusive relationship.

Thought 15: If people feel stupid after they talk to you, you might not be as smart as you think.