The Commonalities of Tiger Woods and I...

We both saw this Sun today…if he went outside or looked out of the window.

We both played sports during our high school years.  Golf for him, CC and Track & Field for me.

We went to college in the same year (I graduated).

He is a golf (aka. physics) genius, I am a genius

He is married to a super model, I want to be married to a super model (I think?)

He has children, I want children.

We both need a blessing.

I make lots of money compared the average international income, he makes gobs of  money compared to the average international income.

We have never had a crush on each other.

We both wore black and white saddle shoes in high school.

We both have had a head injury the left us unconscious.

People like to say things about us that might not be true.

We are both even tempered.

We are both kind of nerdy, sometimes.

Thought 15:  
He is Cablinasian and I am Blindaisish

my stuff...

Notice the fold in the rock.

You know that sound your feet make while rubbing inside of your shoes when you walk, it is so blaring in my ears right now!

I enjoy thinking.

Hmmm, Didn't know my brother's ex worked at this restaurant before I sat down.  Should I leave?

I hope you are not suffering from 'piggy flu' today.

Karl Marx is wrong, Television is the opiate of the masses. -Tony Follari

There are no images of Rodeo Dr. on Goggle maps.

I planned ahead and I'm still behind.

Got up close and personal with a Huey for the 1st time

I dropped a 'Passion Bucket' at the game the other night.

15 total pounds lost in this diet...ok I cheated for one whole week, and Thanksgiving is in front of us.  I'm still trying though, and I have not gained back any weight at all. 

Shortest book in the Bible.

My favorite line in the Sandra Bullock film "All About Steve" is "...uh, we were on our way up."

I correctly predicted the Eagles to win this past weekend, but I didn't post it because...

I just sent Paula Abdul a tweet.

Do you get tired of people advertising to you on your facebook, myspace and twitter page, masquerading as friends?  I do.  It the new junk mail!

Thought 15:  If someone does not like you because of your race, doesn't that make them superficial?  

After the Regular day...

Unfortunately, this is one example of the state clean energy production in our country right now.

There are Dead fish lying on the shore line of the Salton Sea, because the water has receded for the winter.

There are no images of Rodeo Dr. on Google Maps!!

The last person who was attracted to me, tried to talk to me during my football game.  I was annoyed.

I preached a sermon during the weekend.  It was inspiring for some.

There is a band called “I Set My Friend On Fire.”  Isn’t  that a bad thing?

Shopping is one example of people preserving evidence of our lives and our culture.

I announced my last football game of the season and I dropped  a “Passion Bucket.”

New tires are like getting new shoes.

On the geology trip that my job required, the tour guide left all of the planned participants behind.

15 the number of mud volcanoes I got up close and personal with last Saturday.

10 the number of times I thought about homeless people out in the elements and prayed for them.

Hitchhikers guide to the universe?

Thought 15:  Choosing to respect people is personally empowering.

This image was taken in front of a famous building in Los Angeles, can you guess which one?

I have Faith.

4 the number of times today I drove my car.

Is it easier to dig a hole with a vacuum or a shovel?

Dan-o-meter: didn’t go to work, 3 calls, 1 convo with Rob, 80 minute hold, no air.  

20 the number of times I went in and out of a commercial kitchen today.

0 the highest number, representing appreciation, that I give to describe my desire for cooking food.
I need a free back massage

I'm writing a book about person and I don't know what name to give my main character.  

I was on the phone with my mother, a friend walked by, she was able to detect that I was attracted to the person who walked by based on the change in the tone of my voice when I said hello.    Embarrassing.

Rosalind Franklin is/was the never-recognized female member of the research team that helped discover deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the late fifties, early sixties.

I have graduated from college.

I can not load my groceries properly in the bags at the end of the check out line.  This is a legitimate skill. People should be paid to do this.

Do you ever wonder who is in the car behind you at the drive thru?

Thought fifteen:
I pay people to shop for me.