
The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.
Dan-o-meter: 1 of 3, no air.
I ‘resigned’ from the singles dating site, tired of waiting for others to pay up.
Have you ever dreamt in the third person?
I am not paid for the time I solve problems for work while I am off the clock. They are getting a bargain.
Psalms 116:1,2 permission to just cry, if you need to http://www.bible.com/.
Unplug your cell phone for week. See what you get done.
I had two hours to workout today, and I just didn’t.
I had some smart cookies. Day one went well. More to come. www.smartforlife.com
Hmmm, okcupid.com looks intriguing.
1 the number of times today I thought about getting into a relationship.
4 the number of times today I thought about child birth.
2 the number of times I thought and prayed for children in abusive homes.
The Jedi was absent, my senses were dulled as a result.

Thought 15: My ‘to-do-list’ is on my ‘to-do-list’

1 comment:

duskydiva said...

what is "Dan-o-meter: 1 of 3, no air"?