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If honest advertising means you show or tell what is in your food wouldn't pictures of people after they ate your food be good to include with menu images?

The word peace appears in the Bible over 400 times, this one was a real powerful one

When you ask someone what they want for their birthday, they tell you, you go get it, and give it to them, is that a bad thing?

Ten years from now I want to look back and know that something special started right now.

64 the number of times I thought about all the American's who have lost their jobs.

Why is it that when someone is asleep they look like a relaxed version of themselves but in that moment right after they open their eyes from slumber they look like a red-eyed-swollen-crazed-distorted replica of the person you know?

Dan-0-meter: 3 calls, 1 hold, 1 drop...right before the world series opened.

If you got outside, sit in your car, in a driveway attached or assigned to a place which you claim as home, and eat a full meal including drinks, you are either living in your car (God Bless You), or you commute so much that all of your meal times habits have turned you into a "commuter craver." (I created that phrase, you heard it hear first.)

So my process for predicting does not work at this point in the season, like it does for the playoffs in football.  The players themselves are not consistent enough yet.

1 the number of times I woke up this morning.

Smokers who won't light up in their cars confuse me. Isn't easier to get a new car than it is to get new lungs?

When people with whom you speak use that high pitched squeaky voice, are they trying to make you leave quicker?

3 The number of times today I thought of the homeless who are exposed to the elements and prayed for them, it you are reading this you are less likely to be homeless, however, if you are homeless that prayer covers you as well.

When you misspell things in your text messages it does not mean you are not smart, your keyboard is probably to small.

Thought 15:
0, the number of times in my life I have seen a televised interview of an African American person talking about an alien sighting, contact, or abduction.  Are aliens racist? 


Bug’s painting. Permanently installed.

I used to be a television news reporter.

The only way to get an email account when I was in college was through a professor at the university for class work only.  The old Virginia Slims slogan is in order here.  “We‘ve come a long way Baby!”

Have you ever wondered what criminals ate before they got caught?  Me neither.

Waking up with a headache is so disappointing.

Do you ever have that feeling that something big, memorable, or amazing is about to happen but you just don’t know what it is?  I hate the feeling.  I don’t like surprises.

I got my first email account in college because I asked for it, and I was interrogated before they gave it to me.  I did not have a class nor an assignment to recommend myself.

Any ad that begins “...the next X minutes will change your life…”  Wants you to pay them money and it will change your life, you will be in the dark because you won‘t be able to pay the light bill.

You too can be like the Incredible Hulk with this biblical connection (no, he is not Samson‘s brother).

The very first time I searched online, as a result of a class assignment, I did not know I was on the Internet.  I thought it was a new library card catalog with images.  (lol) 

Now, I officially claim the identity of a blogger.  I know, took me long enough.

Week 7 predictions are below.

Dan-0-meter: 5 days, many calls, 0 connection...I think they blocked my number.

Many of the guys who run, cover, and/or make decisions in pro sports look like wanna-be-politicians.  The women look like supermodels.  Do you see a  problem with this picture?

Thought15:  The people who say "Why didn't you tell me?" usually were not listening or paying attention the first time. 

NFL Week 7 Prieview

5 for 5 is the goal!

Vikings will beat the Steelers
(bummer I was wrong!)

Colts will annihilate the Rams
(Yes, I got one)

Falcons should beat the Cowboys.
(still in progress)

Carolina Panthers should beat the Buffalo Bills

(T. O. did his job, wrong again) 

Chargers should beat the Chiefs

(Yes, I was right!)

When the Cowboys loose to the Falcons they are off my roster for Super Bowl contenders.
So the Cowboys stay on my list

Review of Predicions

Dan-0-meter: 0  (what happened rob? I know, just doing your job.)

Next week, the Steelers will beat the Browns. 
I was correct!

Eagles will fly over the Raiders, Sorry McLovin’
I was wrong (ooh, bad news for the piece too...)

Cardinals and the SeaHawks might tie it up
I was wrong Seattle got creamed

Vikings should run over the Ravens.
  I was right!

Fritzy will be happy to see the Broncos run over the Chargers.
 I was right again!

3 of 5=60% accuracy...barely passing

My accuracy improves with the season.

For my American football fans...I will have previews for week 7 up by Saturday.

10 for 10!!

One Point of view from Corporate America

2 more pounds! That brings me to 10 total lost!

5 the number of times I thought of people suffering with hunger and prayed for them

Pensive, the way I feel about 2 of my predictions not being realized.

Happy, the way I feel about the predictions that were correct

Tired, my physical state of being.

It is interesting, if not ironic, that the name of the purported “balloon boy” is Falcon.

Carpenter pencils are rectangular in shape.

10 posts 10 pounds...coincidence?

20 days until my next crow's nest performance.

Do mean people know that they are mean?

If you are depressed think of  this.

Do toothbrush makers think about the incorrect name for their product? Toothbrush vs. Teeth brush?

How much time have you wasted today?

Thought 15:
Can you truly "Fall In Love” more than once in a lifetime?

Climate Change

Good old fashion Eco-friendly cleaning habits. Those are not on my socks.

Have you ever wondered what to do with your old cell phone?

Have you ever heard of green jewelry?

Here is way  to wear 'garbage', earn donation and look good doing it.

Green publishing for a book?

You can do more than brush your teeth to improve air quality.

How much energy are you wasting at home?

What you ‘do’ can be useful too, a composting toilet might be a great addition.

You can plant this paper, it has seeds!!

How are you managing your time?

If you did not buy your light bulbs at IKEA (they will take them back) just tap this 9-1-1 site and follow directions.

The Australians do not use greenbacks anymore, they have polymer notes, and they want to share with the US.

Do you know what to do with expired medicine, in CA there a company for that purpose.

If you can’t get up and help the planet, pay someone else to do it with a membership the Arbor Day Foundation.

Thought fifteen: 
Are you an eco-sexual

NFL Week 6 Preview Special

Another view from my favorite place.

Dan-0-meter: 15 calls, 3 rings and I got on the air today! (Thanks Rob, ur cool)

I’m nervous every time I make a prediction.

Next week, the Steelers will beat the Browns

I have never made predictions this early in the season.

Eagles will fly over the Raiders, Props for McLovin’

Cardinals and the SeaHawks might tie it up

Yea, Dan remembered me!

Vikings should run over the Ravens

Peace, to every man that worketh good, I wonder if the Raiders coach has ever heard of this one.

Fritzy will be happy to see the Broncos run over the Chargers.

All predictions subject to be totally wrong.

This is as risky as I will be this week…except for driving.

I’m much more confident during the play offs.

Thought fifteen: The Philadelphia Eagles, Minnesota Vikings, or the Dallas Cowboys all have potential to make a Super Bowl Appearance.

Much Ado about something...

…anyone have an off-switch, this is getting out of control.

Fear is a safety net

No, I don’t believe every single thing I see in the news but I keep watching.

If you have to explain, excuse or apologize for your ring tone it wasn’t a good choice.

Biologically, Chocolate is a vegetable.

17,344,800 minutes is how long I have been converting oxygen and making platelets.

The office within which I did business today, was so scary looking it did not need any of the Halloween decorations.

October 12th is really Indigenous Peoples Day.

Does the 3 second rule count if you drop fish food on the floor?

Dan-o-meter: I was right behind Chris in Syracuse on hold on Thursday, Dan took Chris in Syracuse and the guy from Tulsa and my phone dropped the call. I could been on before 7!!! (Thanks anyway Rob)

2006 the year I did not watch any football nor make any predictions because I was getting addicted.

2008 the year I made mistake in my prediction due to illness and injury.

2009 my comeback.

Real men shed tears…John 11:35

Thought fifteen: People start fighting physically when they can not think of anymore words, but they still have something to say.

Deep...but fun

...From the crows nest…under the Friday night lights. The only place I like better is the 50 yard line (on a Friday night).

Employees of most business wear name tags to work each day, but I seldom hear any customers use a cashiers first name. When I do, people look at me strange.

People who wear teeth whiteners in public confuse me. Isn’t the purpose of whitening your teeth  to fool people into thinking that your teeth look that way no matter what you eat without you thinking about the whiteners?

Sometimes, we assume, things that are attractive to our senses are going to be good for us. That is why there are so many donut shops, liquor stores and crazy people going to concerts and other pubic events, in full wedding regalia proposing to people whom they have never met.

Hands are not attractive. 

Dan-o-meter: 5 calls, 3 days, 1 air (thanks Rob!)

When I am no longer ashamed of my weight I will announce it...somewhere.

This means everyone can be smart Proverbs 4:7

All the cards in my wallet stacked up, equal 1.5 inches. I need to get rid of some cards.

If someone speaks with an accent they probably speak another language. -Jesse Jackson

780, the number of minutes I have been awake today (so far).

2 the number of times today I thought about starving children in the world and prayed for them. 

What is the address of Area 51? I want to find it on Google maps.

I am perplexed by people who complain about a restroom that smells bad. If it smelled like that somewhere else, like your office, your desk or your room it means someone left you a very special gift. Be thankful for smelly restrooms.

Thought fifteen: How many people did you trust not to hurt you today?